Simple Walmart Keyword Rank Tracker

Add your keywords. Get Daily Rankings.
Dominate on Walmart.

Keyword tracker web application screenshot

Monitor Walmart Keyword Rankings

Track your most important keywords to see the results of your ranking efforts and increase organic sales on Walmart.

Walmart Keyword Rank Checker: Track Keyword Performance Over Time

Why Sellers Love WalScout

Ease of use and great UI

Easily find what you're looking for and get an idea what happened in a single glance without having to filter through data that doesn't help you.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

Need help? Feedback? Not happy? Please contact us and we'll help you with the same dedication as we'd expect to be helped ourselves.

For Sellers by Sellers

We sell on Walmart ourselves, know several succesful veteran sellers and we are familiar with the challenges that you face as a merchant on Walmart.

What gets measured gets managed.

Monitor your rankings, run campaigns when you notice that your ranking drops and boost your Walmart sales.

Pricing plans for any kind of merchant



per month
  • 35 keywords
  • 10 products
  • cancel anytime



per month
  • 100 keywords
  • 25 products
  • cancel anytime



per month
  • 200 keywords
  • unlimited products
  • cancel anytime



per month
  • 500 keywords
  • unlimited products
  • cancel anytime

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find what you're looking for? We'd love to hear from you.

Why use a Walmart rank tracker tool?

If you have good rankings on Walmart, it means that you will get more traffic and sales. It's crucial to keep track of your keywords to understand how you are doing in relation to your competitors and to ramp up your marketing efforts in case rankings are dropping.

Can I try WalScout for free?

Yes, you can try WalScout for 10 days completely free. You do need to authorize a creditcard, but nothing will be charged during the trial period.

Your pricing seems steep. Why is that?

It's surprisingly difficult to scrape search result data on Walmart. Much more so than other marketplaces. Scraper maintenance is quite intensive and our systems need to be updated updated frequently to deal with new anti scraping measures.

How often are search result rankings checked on Walmart?

We scrape Walmart's search results at least once every 24 hours. Although this is not available currently, please let us know if you're interested in more frequent scraping at an additional charge. If there's enough demand we'll implement it.

Am I committed to anything? Can I get a refund?

All plans can be canceled, upgraded or downgraded at any time. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee, which starts right after your free trial.

Why should I choose WalScout?

WalScout offers a complete Walmart Rank Tracker Suite to keep track of your Walmart rankings in a simple and organized way. We're a customer centric company where we treat you like we expect to be treated ourselves. Not happy? Let us know and we'll work with you.

Dominate your niche on Walmart